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The purpose of this policy is to promote a collaborative, supportive working and playing relationship between our staff, our members and the DCC community and to provide a mechanism for dealing with issues should they occur.



The Dunany Country Club (DCC) strive(s) to achieve its vision by fostering a family-friendly environment and promoting the core values of volunteerism, respect, including diversity and inclusion, sportsmanship and integrity, These values direct the decisions it makes, define its character, and preserve its unique culture. In this context, the DCC has a zero tolerance for harassment, bullying or negative behaviours that go against that vision.



1. The DCC does not tolerate any form of harassment (e.g. verbal, physical, psychological, sexual) by or against staff, members or the greater community.


2. Harassment generally means a course of words or actions which are known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be offensive, embarrassing or disrespectful, and hence unwelcome. A course of words or actions would normally mean more than one event, unless that event is so egregious that it merits a complaint.


3. The DCC will take steps to investigate any complaint of harassment.


4. Should the DCC consider that a complaint of harassment is valid, the DCC will provide a remedy which it considers appropriate to the event(s). Such remedy may be (but is not limited to) an apology, warning, termination of membership or, in the case of an employee or contractor, the suspension or termination of their employment/contract.  


5. Should a complaint not be considered by the DCC to be valid, it will be dismissed.


6. The DCC will not tolerate reprisals of any kind following the raising of a potential case of harassment.



1. An employee or contractor who believes they have been harassed should report the events to their Supervisor. A member of the DCC who believes they have been harassed should report the events to the Governance Steward described in the DCC Governance Handbook. In either case, the report should include what happened, when and where it happened and any witnesses.


2. If the alleged harassment involved a Supervisor or the person alleging the harassment is uncomfortable reporting the events to a supervisor, they should report the events to the Governance Steward.


3. The Supervisor or Governance Steward will, as a minimum, inform themselves by interviewing the person alleged to have been harassed, the alleged harasser and all witnesses. All information obtained will remain confidential, but the Supervisor and Governance Steward may discuss the case with each other and the President of the DCC.


4. The Supervisor or Governance Steward will attempt to resolve the issue informally, which may include informal mediation.


5. Should that not be successful, the case may be referred by the complainant to the Governance Steward (in the case of an employee or contractor) or to the President of the Club (in the case of a member) for formal resolution. The Governance Steward or President may consult other resources in confidence should they deem it appropriate.


6. If a Supervisor, Governance Steward or DCC President considers that the alleged harassment could amount to a criminal or other offence, it will be reported, as appropriate, by the Supervisor, Governance Steward or President, to the police, a tribunal or other relevant authority(ies).


7. Reasonable efforts will be made to complete the procedures within 30 days of the complaint being made known to the Supervisor or Governance Steward, unless additional time is required, as determined by the DCC, or otherwise agreed with the complainant.


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